Ready To Package & Price Your Services With Confidence?
This step-by-step course will guide you through the four elements of scalable pricing and the six-step process for packaging your services with confidence. This process not only helped me scale my service-based business to $250K per year but also allowed me to scale my entire business to over $3 million in revenue in the last four years. It has also worked for the hundreds of 1:1 service providers who have implemented it in their businesses.
I not only provide you with the strategy to price and package your services with confidence but also offer tools to accelerate your results and attract premium clients.
Upon completion, Package Pricing Prep School will help you overcome imposter syndrome, create premium-priced services, and develop a clear roadmap to achieve your revenue goals, no matter their size.
This course will keep you coming back each and every time you update your pricing or change your services.
✅ How to confidently price and package your services
✅ How to price your services based on your goals and not based on time.
✅ What action to take in order to hit your revenue goals
✅ How to create a clear roadmap to achieve your goals.